Engleza, întrebare adresată de antoniapetcu94, 8 ani în urmă

1. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.
Example: The children their sandwiches. (to forget)
Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches on Monday.
1) When
you in London? (to be)
2) We
in a flat when we were in Paris.(not/to live)
3) What
yesterday? (to lose)
4) He
magic tricks at the party.(not/to do)
5) Mandy
her room on Thursday.(not/to tidy up)
a room with Henry? (to share)
7) I
Physics at school.(not/to like)
the shop assistant
10 percent off the price? (to take)
9) She
the correct word in the exercise. (to use)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

Example: The children their sandwiches. (to forget)

Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches on Monday.



1) When were you in London?

2) We didn't live in a flat when we were in Paris.

3) What did you lose yesterday?

4) He didn't do magic tricks at the party.

5) Mandy didn't tidy up her room on Thursday.

6) Did Frank share a room with Henry?

7) I didn't like Physics at school.

8) Did the shop assistant take 10 percent off the price?

9) She used the correct word in the exercise.


Succes la școală și pe brainly!


antoniapetcu94: ms
Leonard: Cu plăcere!
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