Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioana197047, 8 ani în urmă

10 THINK! Imagine you are Brady and you come face to face with a giant python. In three minutes, write a few sentences describing the scene and your feelings. Tell the class.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de angelopanoiu
It all started with me trying to take a walk along the river, when all of the sudden I came across with this brown, with black stripes, giant python. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes for I have never encountered this situation. As calm as I tried to remain, my feet were still trembling, and my heart was in my neck. I didn’t even know how to feel at the moment, it was all a mix-up of being shocked and scared. Eventually, I was able to think straight and pull myself together. So without sudden movements, I slowly walked back until I was far enough to be able to run straight back home. It was horrible!

ioana197047: thank you so much
ioana197047: you saved me
angelopanoiu: you’re welcome
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