Engleza, întrebare adresată de Irena206, 8 ani în urmă

12 Choose the correct verb.
1 Can you remind / remember me to phone
2 Munich beat / won Manchester in the final to
beat / win the cup.
3 I hope / suspect Gary wins the race.
4 My mum is training / teaching me to play squash.
5 I used to practise / play yoga to help me relax.
6 I spent / wasted £2 on that book - it was so
Va rog ajutați-mă!!!
Promit sa dau 5 stele și coroană!!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alexdevyl


1. Can you remind me to phone Michael? 2. Munich beat Manchester in the final to win the cup 3. I hope Gary wins the race 4. My mom is teaching me to play squash 5. I used to practise yoga to help me relax 6. I spent 2e on that book it was so cheap


sper ca te am ajutat ;3

Răspuns de maraserban2010


1 remind

2 beat si win

3 hope

4 teaching

5 practise

6 spend


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