15. Write a story beginning like this: 'It had been a mad day! I felt so relieved that I was finally home. I was getting ready to go to bed, when suddenly I heard a strange noise coming from the balcony! Write between 150 and 200 words. S 30pts
Răspunsuri la întrebare
It had been a mad day! I felt so relieved that i was finally home. I was getting ready to go to bed, when suddenly I heard a strange noise coming from the balcony! I went there really slowly. It took me a long time. When i arrived and I tried to open the balcony door it was LOCKED! OMG, I couldn't see what was hiding there because of the darkness. I tried with all my power, but it was really stuck. But then I remember that I have TONS of keys in my wardrobe, I ran to my room and got the keys, I couldn't really remember which key was. So i tried them all. After 30 minutes, I FINALLY FOUND THE KEY!! I was super duper excited to open the door. When i opened the door i saw my dog. Who has been FREEZING in the cold and who has been scratching the door for one hour.
Fusese o zi nebună! M-am simțit atât de ușurat că am ajuns în sfârșit acasă. Mă pregăteam să mă culc, când deodată am auzit un zgomot ciudat venind de pe balcon! Am mers acolo foarte încet. Mi-a luat mult timp. Când am ajuns și am încercat să deschid ușa balconului, era ÎNCHISĂ! OMG, nu am putut vedea ce se ascunde acolo din cauza întunericului. Am încercat cu toată puterea mea, dar chiar a rămas blocat. Dar apoi îmi amintesc că am TONE de chei în garderoba mea, am fugit în camera mea și am luat cheile, nu prea îmi aminteam care era cheia. Așa că le-am încercat pe toate. După 30 de minute, AM GĂSIT ÎN FINAL CHEIA!! Eram super prost încântat să deschid ușa. Când am deschis ușa, mi-am văzut câinele. Cine a înghețat de frig și care a zgâriat ușa de o oră.