180 de cuvinte.................

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My oppinion is that money might be everything on that earth, the reason why I am saying that it's because people are complening this world to be worst, If good created this world why then everything is about money? food=money. girls=money. holidays=money. To survive we gotta do something always, all of us are supposed to work, to have basic things beside us... Of course others things in life is the family, friends. Anyway If you have a lot of money believe me, you'll had enough in a moment, and you'll want something else, which those something else maybe you cannot get. On this life all you need, is money, some friends for talking about what do you feel, and your thoughts.
In the end of the day all of us die, I am trying to say that people shouldn't take life so seriosly, today I am, tomorrow I will not be.
Take care of you, what you manifest to your environment, what you do, your stalkers, your legacy will be the same to your kids! That's my oppinion:)