Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionjechiu2533, 8 ani în urmă

2 Complete the sentences using the words from Exercise 1. 1. My brother is h than I am. 2. Nick's h. is one metre and sixty centimetres. 3. Tom wanted to be the first in the competition, but he f 4. Dan is of m. height. 5. Ann's father knows plenty of interesting stories. He is a great s 6. Kate's father runs every morning; that's why he is so f__ 7. Our teacher of maths is very p-- with us. 8. The teacher of history gave us a list of dates to m.
Ajutațimă vărog dau coroană vărog.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Floriximo

Pentru ca nu mi-ai dat ex. 1, o sa scriu cuvinte corecte asa random, nu cuvinte din ex. 1

1. My brother is healthier than I am.

2. Nick's height is one metre and sixty centimetres.

3. Tom wanted to be the first in the competition, but he failed

4. Dan is of medium height.

5. Ann's father knows plenty of interesting stories. He is a great storyteller.

6. Kate's father runs every morning; that's why he is so fast.

7. Our teacher of maths is very playful with us.

8. The teacher of history gave us a list of dates to memorize.

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