Engleza, întrebare adresată de cosmin2841, 8 ani în urmă

2 Look at these examples of reported and
direct speech with some important reporting verbs
in italics. Match each definition (a-f) to the correct
reporting verb.
Example: 1 admit d)
1 'You're right. I did take the money.'
He admitted that he had taken the money.
2 'I walked home because I didn't have any money.'
She explained that she'd walked home because she
didn't have any money.
3 'Why don't we go for a coffee?'
He suggested going for a coffee.
4 'Don't forget to call your grandmother.'
She reminded him to call his grandmother.
5 It's not a good idea to go swimming straight after
He warned them not to go swimming straight after
6 'I didn't see her cheating in the exam.'
He denied seeing her cheating in the exam.
a) to make someone remember something that they
must do
b) to make something clear or easy to understand by
talking or writing about it
c) to say that something is not true
d) to agree or say that something is true, although you
do not want to
e) to tell someone they should not do something
because it is dangerous or because something bad
could happen
f) to tell someone your ideas about what should be

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Răspuns de Laranic


1- d






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