Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariabucidefier, 8 ani în urmă

2 Look. Say the complete dialogue. playground Park sing clothes Hospital + coie Train Stution Jane: (1) ... your town got a hospital? Brian: Yes, it (2).... Jane: Where (3)... it? Brian: It's (4) ... the clothes shop and the café, (5)... the train station. Jane: Oh, yes, I see. And there's a park (6)... the swimming pool. .
Ajutor urgent
Dau 70 puncte, coroana, inima la răspuns, abonare, 5 stele repede va rog ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lorena2273

1. does

2. has

3. is

4. besides

5. near

6. besides

nu stiu daca sunt toate corecte

dariabucidefier: behind nu?
dariabucidefier: nu besides
lorena2273: da
Dariuta04: baaa
Dariuta04: tampitilor
Dariuta04: nu e corect
Dariuta04: nu știți nimic
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