2 Read the sentences. The underlined verbs
are used to express arrangement. Underline
other examples of present continuous for
arrangements in Belinda's email.
1 In the evening, a local band is playing in
the town square.
2 I'm running in the race.
3 We're joining in
4 We're having a party at our place.
dau coroana
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Hi Susana,
I was really happy to get your email saying that you’re coming to visit us next weekend. It’s great news!
Next weekend our town is having its special weekend gala. There is one every year. What’s a gala? Well, it’s like a party but with sports and other events, too. There are lots of different activities. We’re joining in, so I hope you’re ready for some fun!
It all starts on Saturday. There’s an opening ceremony at lunchtime, and in the afternoon there are races and games for kids. At six o’clock there’s a football match – our town team are playing against another town near here. Then in the evening, a local band is playing in the town square. On Sunday morning there’s a charity run – it’s about eight kilometres. It starts in the park and goes past the railway station and through the main shopping area, then finishes at the park again. And guess what? I’m running in the race! (Would you like to run too? I think we can get you in – let me know asap, OK?) And on Sunday afternoon, there’s a big street party with games and things. The weather forecast says the weather is sunny this weekend.
Oh, I almost forgot! On Sunday evening we’re having a party at our place for my sister’s 18th birthday!
Let me know more about your plans. When are you arriving on Friday?
See you soon,
În textul din manualul de Clasa a VII-a pentru limba engleză, publicat prin colaborarea Cambridge University Press și Art Klett, am subliniat și îngroșat toate verbele care exprimă planificări (arrangements) și se folosesc la Present Tense Continuous.