Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrei240, 9 ani în urmă

20 de propoziti cu question tags

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Răspuns de Missy123
You are beautiful, aren't you?
She is eating chocolate, isn't she?
I am here, aren't i?
She isn't quiet, is she?
He isn't coming, is he?
Anne is singing, isn't she?
I am not listening, am i?
You are not paying attention, are you?
She is not with you, is she?
Mark is seeing me, isn't he?
You love me, don't you?
Will is talking to me, isn't he?
Julia is running, isn't she?
I am not singing right now, am i?
She doesn't like you, does she?
Nu sunt 20, dar sper ca ai prins ideea
Alte întrebări interesante