Engleza, întrebare adresată de popcorn84, 7 ani în urmă

27.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Kate Teale 1) ... has decided... (decide) to open her own restaurant. Yesterday, she 2).... (have) a meeting with her bank manager and she 3).....(ask) him for a loan. He agreed, so Kate 4)...... (be able) to start making plans. In fact, she 5).....(already/find) a building for her restaurant and she 6)......(look) at tables and chairs next week. By the end of the month, work on the restaurant 7) .......... (begin) and by the summer, everything will be ready. Kate 8).... (hope) that her business will be a success. At the moment, she 9)......(interview) chefs and waiters.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ttt380394

has decided



will be able

has already found

will look

will begin


is interviewing

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