Engleza, întrebare adresată de lorenasanduleanu, 8 ani în urmă

3 Look at Sandra's timetable for last Sunday. Write sentences as in the example. 1 At 11:00, Sandra wasn't tidving (tidy) her room. She was helping her mu 2 the garden At 12:00, she (watch) TV. She 3 At 1:45, Sandra and her parents -- (sleep). They 4 At 4:15, Sandra's dad ...(play) basketball . He with Sandra At 6:45, Sandra and her friends ... (have) dinner. They 5​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emmoldoveanu1212

2. Wasn't watching/She was talking on the phone. 3. Weren't sleeping/ They were washing the dishes 4. Wasn't playing/ he was watching a movie with Sandra. 5. Weren't having dinner/ they were having just a snack.

Alte întrebări interesante