Engleza, întrebare adresată de ianic56, 8 ani în urmă

3 sentences with each word:much,many,few,little,a lot of.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlitaLidia



I don't have much money.

There is much milk in the fridge.

She used much honey.

much se folosește cu substantivele nonnumarabile. (uncountable)

I have many apples home.

There are many notebooks on the table.

You know many languages.

many se folosește cu substantivele numarabile la plural .


I have got few friends and I feel so lonely

There are few eggs in the fridge, so we can't bake a cake.

I have got few things to do and i feel so bored.

few se folosește pentru a arăta o cantitate în mod "negativ"...

few + substantive numarabile la plural.

There is little time for us to talk.

We have little money to spend on dresses.

Unfortunately, I speak little german.

little se folosește pt o cantitate foarte mica sau negativa.

Here are a lot of books.

We have a lot of things to do.

She drank a lot of water.

A lot of se folosește pentru a arăta o cantitate foarte mare. Poți sa il folosești si cu substantive numarabile la plural, și cu cele nonnumarabile.

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#brainlyonmars ☄

ianic56: trebuie cate 3 la fiecare
AlitaLidia: acuma scriu
AlitaLidia: gata
ianic56: inca 1 cu few,2 cu little si 2 cu a lot of
ianic56: te rog
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