Engleza, întrebare adresată de ElectricLove, 8 ani în urmă

3. Write the correct past form of the verbs in
Last summer we ...
(spend) one week in a
summer theatre camp in Bran, Romania. Our journey
there ... (be) a bit long and tiring. That morning
we ... (wake up) earlier, at 5:30. We ...(skip) breakfast and ... (take) a taxi that ... (get) us to Heathrow airport in London. After a flight of almost three hours, we ... (land) in Bucharest. The weather was
boiling hot and sunny there. We ... (take) another taxi and ... (ask) the taxi driver to get us to the
railway station. At the station we ... (buy) tickets for Brasov. The train journey was quite short. We ...(admire) the beautiful nature
around us and took a lot of pictures. We even ... (see) squirrels climbing up the trees. When in Brasov,
one of our camp trainers, Andrew,
... (wait) for us and ... (give) us a ride to Bran. In the car, Andrew ... (tell) us the programme for the whole week. When we finally ... (reach) our
destination, we ... (go) straight to a restaurant to ... (eat) something because we ... (be) hungry. We ...(eat) traditional food, that was very tasty . We went to sleep early that day and we ... (sleep)
really late. It was a long, but interesting day .​
Vă rog , repede !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eliza36ui


spends, been, wake up , skiping , takes, gets, landing, take, asked, buys, admire, seen, waits, gives, tells, reaching, goes, eating, ben ,sleeping,

Sper că te-am ajutat

ElectricLove: Mulțumesc !
eliza36ui: cu plăcere
noemi10deb: was la be si woke up la wake up
noemi10deb: ai greșit aproape tot, slept not sleeping, etc
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