Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreyAndy99, 8 ani în urmă

3.Write these direct statements in reported speech
1.I m late;he said
2.I m getting angry;she said
3.She s gone;he said
4.He s working abroad;she said
5.I called her this morning;he said
6.We ll pay for this;she said

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

Write these direct statements in reported speech.

Scrie aceste propozitii la vorbirea indirecta.


1.I`m late;he said

He said that he was late.

2.I`m getting angry;she said

He said that he was getting angry.

3.She`s gone;he said

He said that he had gone.

4.He`s working abroad;she said

She said that he was working abroad.

5.I called her this morning;he said

He said that he had called her that morning.

6.We`ll pay for this;she said

She said that they would pay for that.


Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a transmite ceea ce altcineva a spus. De cele mai multe ori, verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul trecut (he said that, he told me, etc). Nu putem avea timp trecut in principala si timp prezent in secundara. Si-atunci, timpurile din propozitia secundara se vor transforma, astfel:

present simple → past simple ((vezi propozitia 1)

present continuous → past continuous (vezi propozitiile 2 si 4)

past simple → past perfect simple (vezi propozitia 5)

present perfect simple → past perfect simple (vezi propozitia 3)

future simple → future in the past (vezi propozitia 6)

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