Engleza, întrebare adresată de MatchGirl21, 8 ani în urmă

30 de pct + coroana

5. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the past simple.

T-rex _was__ (be) one of the greatest carnivores which (1) ___ (live) in
North America about 65 million years ago. The name Tyrannosaurus Rex (2)____
(mean) "king of the tyrant lizards“ It (3)_____
(have) a
massive skull which (4)_____
(measure) 1.5 metres, and a long and powerful
tail. its bite (5)_____(be) equivalent to the force of an elephant sitting down. It (6)______(can)
run very fast, 17 to 40 km/h to catch the prey, but we still (7)_____(not know) why their
arms were so tiny. Scientists (8)___
(say) that dinosaurs (9)_____
(become) extinct when a
huge asteroid (10) ______ (hit) the Earth and (11)_____(produce) dramatic changes in climate.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GiurcanPA


1) lived

2) means

3) has

4) measures

5) was

6) can

7) don't know

8) said

9) became

10) hit

11) produced


nu sunt 100% sigur ca e bine dacă vezi o greseala te rog sa imi spui

MatchGirl21: coroana nu ti.o pot da decat peste 24 de h cred, dar oricum o sa ti.o dau. Multumesc mult!!!
GiurcanPA: Nu e nevoie
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