Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

30 puncte pn raspuns corect....va rog repede
Open the brackets using either the Perfect or the Perfect Continouos Tenses.
1. He.....never (travel).....by train.
2. James (teach).....at the university since June.
3. A:.....you ever (meet).....him? B: No,I.....(not meet) him.
4. You (grow).....since the last time I saw you.
5. By this time yesterday, I....(finish) the project.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de merydiva
1.He has never traveled by train.
2.James is teaching at the university since June.
(trei).A(Have you ever meet with him?) B(No,i was not meet him.)
4.You growed since the last time i saw you.
5.By this time yesterday,I finished the project.
PS>tastatura mea nu scrie cifra trei.

merydiva: da
merydiva: dc?
merydiva: ok
merydiva: eu mai am de facut tema la romana
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