Engleza, întrebare adresată de sevastianman66, 8 ani în urmă

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Robin Hood is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham. He robbed the rich to help the poor. He had many qualities - a great sportsman, a brave fighter and was very good with his bow and arrow. His main enemy was Sheriff of Not- tingham, who was always trying to capture Robin but never managed to do it. Va rog​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de khiiushine


What is the character who is described name?

Where does he live?

What did he do to make others call him a hero?

What are his quilites?

What is he very good at?

Who is his main enemy?

What did Sheriff of Not to Robin?

Sheriff of Not managed to capture him?

sper sa ajute <3

sevastianman66: da mulțumesc mult
khiiushine: oh, stai am văzut o greșeală din cauza că mă grăbeam. corectare; What name does the character who is described have? sorry:). daca mai vrei ajutor sa îmi dai un mesaj! bye bye <3
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