Engleza, întrebare adresată de maximsalaur575, 8 ani în urmă

4. Write what do you think about "If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." (10 sentences)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CornerGirl


"Nature is everywhere, if we would really appriciate its value we would actually see beauty in everything. I agree with the sentence, if you truly love nature you will find everything beautiful, but that also on you, how you see things and how you usually see such things. I would really love to think like that all the time, but what's happening now to the nature its horrifing and it's hard to see the beauty in it. Humans aren't truly able to appriciate what they have until they truly lose it, so i guess we have to lose everything we build until now to truly appriciate everything we have left. That's it i guess, you just have to appriciate everything you have in life until its too late, because nothing lasts forever,  and that is what should motivate you to become better and help this whole world to become better, to help nature regain its beauty."

Sper ca ti-a fost de folos! <3

Răspuns de Jakharo


We all know that nature is full if beauty and wonders.

However, most of the time, we are so busy with our every day life, that we often forget to enjoy the beauty around us. The only times we enjoy nature and it's endless wonders are when we go on holidays. The more optimistical people are paying more attention to nature than the rest of us. We call them dreamers because they enjoy life and their environment, while the rest of us stress over little things every day. It is so easy to smile when you see a bunch of flowers or a butterfly, or just a puppy playing with it's mother or siblings. Now and then, we don't know how, but there are times when we do notice the little things around us that are beautiful, spectacular, impresive or even emotional. I was going to school 2 days ago, lost in my thoughts, when I happened to see a mother teaching her child how to cross the street with incredible patience and care. That image reminded me of my own mother teaching me the same lesson and I try to cross the streets how I've been tought out of respect for my mother and for all the mothers that teach their children everything they can, in order to prepare them to face life.

Some might think that finding beauty everywhere means admiring flowers or animals, a great sight, but I believe we can find beauty in people's gestures or words too.

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