Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexcondrache058, 8 ani în urmă

5. Answer these questions with information from the table: a) What are two possible reasons for reduced resistance to infection? b) What should we eat to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin C? c) Why is wheat germ a very useful food? d) Why do people who eat rice without the husks sometimes get beri-beri'? e) Why is vitamin D deficiency more likely to occur in cold countries? f) Why is vitamin K deficiency unlikely to occur? ajutați-mă în engleza va rog dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancaamoraritei24


1. Not washing your hands is one of the reasons and also drinking cold water or eating icecream can damage our imunity.

2. We should eat oranges or apples but also drink lemonade because it has vitamin C.

3. They have minerales and vitamins that are good for our organism.

4. -

5.We get vitamin D from the sun so its more likely în cold countrys where there isnt sun people to have deficiency of vitamin D

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