Engleza, întrebare adresată de AnaMaria2020, 9 ani în urmă

5 propozitii la engleza cu acord pozitiv si 5 propozitii cu acord negativ

AndraCaruntu: adica 5 enunturi negative si 5 pozitive ???
AnaMaria2020: acord...nush

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Marinela2323
I like the car. I don ' t like the car. I eat the fructs nd legums. I don' t eat the fructs and legums. I watch the T.V. I don' t watch the T.V. I from the Roumain. I don' t from the Roumain. I buy the tulips. I don' t buy the tulips.

AnaMaria2020: nu cred ca e bine.....trebuie cu acor nush ce e ala
Răspuns de AndraCaruntu
Propozitii pozitive : 
I was at school yesterday .
My dog ate much meat .
My mother cooks delicious biscuits .
I am playing at the computer .
The bear is very hungry .
Propozitii negative: 
I don't like the milk .
She isn't an actor .
My father musn't ride a bike .
My granny isn't young .
The cats aren't beautiful .

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