Engleza, întrebare adresată de suslik0kill0yiu, 8 ani în urmă

5 sentences with a preposition to keep

swagger: Dacă am înțeles bine, ai nevoie de 5 propoziții, cu 5 prepoziții diferite ale verbului 'to keep'?
suslik0kill0yiu: yes
swagger: Okay :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Val3nt1n


I must keep away all those things that make me worried.

I'm happy that my friends keep in touch.

The teacher said me: "Keep it up!" when he noticed that i've done the homework very good.

I keep all this toys for my brother.

Tom, keep calm, it happens!

Răspuns de swagger
  1. Just keep in mind that I will be always with you.
  2. You should keep to yourself all the angry words.
  3. The pills should be kept at room temperature.
  4. All the medicines should be kept out from children's reach.
  5. The possibility must be kept from happening at all costs

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