Engleza, întrebare adresată de deea1223, 8 ani în urmă

6. Complete the sentences with was ,were or had:
a) Troy.....
a small city.
b) My cousin....
a lot of money when he was young.
c) Albert Einstein.....
a famous physicist.
d) Liviu Rebreanu and Mihai Eminescu....
e) Elvis Presley....
one daughter. Va rog ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de FuicaNicu00

Troy was in a small city.

My cousin had a lot of money when he was young.

Albert Einstein was a famous physicist.

Liviu Rebreanu and Mihai Eminescu Were writers

Elvis Presley had one daughter.


Trebuia sa completezi cu were, was sau had


deea1223: mulțumesc mult de tot
FuicaNicu00: oh cpl
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