Engleza, întrebare adresată de paraschivdenisa54, 7 ani în urmă

6 Complete Will's email with the correct form of
the verbs in the box.
-werk- eat have (x 2) take
get (x4) do watch go finish (x2)
Hi Paolo
My dad
so our daily routines are very different.
My dad 3
in an office in London
Lucky him! 18
but he'
| 10
up at half past seven and then
my breakfast at eight o'clock.
up at six o'clock and he
the train to London at 6:30.
his breakfast on
Poor thing! He s
the train! At lunchtime I always 6
in the school canteen but he sometimes
to nice restaurants in London.
school at 3:30
work at six o'clock.
home from school at four
o'clock but he usually 11
from work at about eight o'clock. In the evening
my homework in my bedroom
and he 13
TV in the living room.
Cheers, Will

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard

(0) works, (1) get, (2) have, (3) gets, (4) takes, (5) has, (6) eat, (7) goes, (8) finish, (9) finishes, (10) get, (11) gets, (12) do, (13) watches


Will's email is completed below:


Hi Paolo,

My dad works in an office in London so our daily routines are very different. I (1) get up at half past seven and then I (2) have my breakfast at eight o’clock. My dad (3) gets up at six o’clock and he (4) takes the train to London at 6:30. Poor thing! He (5) has his breakfast on the train! At lunchtime I always (6) eat in the school canteen but he sometimes (7) goes to nice restaurants in London. Lucky him! I (8) finish school at 3:30 but he (9) finishes work at six o’clock. I (10) get home from school at four o’clock but he usually (11) gets home from work at about eight o’clock. In the evening I (12) do my homework in my bedroom and he (13) watches TV in the living room.

Cheers, Will


Mai multe informații privind formarea timpurilor Present Simple și Continuous se găsesc aici: brainly.ro/tema/308278

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