Engleza, întrebare adresată de CoiMosoii, 8 ani în urmă

6. If it .........
I. Choose the best answer A, B or C:
1. I really don't understand why he ......to get there on time.
A never tries
B never try
C doesn't never try
2. While they ...... for the train, it started to rain all of a sudden.
A are waiting
B were wait C were waiting
3. He reading yet as he can't focus on it.
A hasn't finish B didn't finish C hasn't finished
4. How long..... here, as I haven't seen them up to now?
A have they been B are they C they have been
5. .................. Adam to help me with the project.
A said
B wondered
C asked
we would go for a walk in the park.
A wouldn't rain B won't rain C didn't rain
7. Don't lie .....them again as they will never forgive you.
A to
8. My parents are absolutely sure that my exam results will not be.......than theirs.
A worse
B more bad
C the worst
9. My friend really believes he lot lately.
A changes
B has changed C changed
10. Do you think she has a problem with her......?
A tooths
B teeth
C teeths
11. Most of the times he feels he can.........more than the others.
A to do
B do
C docs
12. Jake
a pay increase when he finishes the management course.
A will get
B didn't get
C got
13. After they........ they decided they should make another change in their life.
A met
B had met
Chave met
14. no information about that accident.
A It is
B There is
C There are
15. You should buy something else for those........
A mouses
B mice
C mouse
16. Do you have any idea how much those trousers ......?
A cost
B costs
Care costing
17. My......... has just arrived from Paris.
A brother's friend B brother friend C brother friend's
18. He is ............ tired to go out tonight.
A enough
B too
C to
19. Have you ever asked her how old ......?
A she is
B is she
she has
20. The reason
he left is that he felt ill.
A who
B when
C why​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mara9385


1. A) never tries

2. C) were waiting

3. C) hasn't finished

4. A) have they been

5. C) asked

6. B) won't rain

7. A) to

8. A) worse

9. C) changed

10. B) teeth

11. B) do

12. A) will get

13. A) met

14. B) there is

15. B) mice

16. A) cost

17. A) brother's friend

18. B) too

19. A) she is

20. C) why

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