Engleza, întrebare adresată de adelin80, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets in the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous.
Write in your notebook.
1. We ... (not/finish) our homework yet.
2. Alice ... (wait) for her sister all morning.
3. Fiona ... (never/do) a presentation before.
4. ... (you ever/try) Indian food? It’s very
5. Henry and I ... (play) football for the last
four years.
7. Fill in with the correct modal verb: must,
could, mustn’t, might, may. Write in your
1. You ... talk in the library. It’s not allowed.
2. You ... see a doctor for that backache.
3. I ... play the piano when I was five years old.
4. ... I use your pen, Sir?
5. He ... come to see us after work but it isn’t
that sure.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de matandreea7450Deaa

Exercițiul 6

1. We haven't finished our homework yet.

2. Alice has been waiting for her sister all morning.

3. I have played the piano when I was five years old.

4. Have you ever tried Indian food? It's very spicy.

5. Henry and I have been playing football for the last four years.

Exercițiul 7

1. You mustn't talk in the library.

2. You might see a doctor.

3. I must play the piano.

4. May I use your pen, Sir?

5. He could come to see us...

adelin80: Iti multumesc ca mai ajutat dar eu nu stiu cum sa dau coroana
adelin80: ca sunt pe laptop
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