Engleza, întrebare adresată de sjxjf, 8 ani în urmă

6 Read the article again and complete the sentences.
Use between one and three words.
1 Ancient Greek parents had
they wanted to keep their babies.
2 Unwanted babies were often to die.
3 Unlike Greek girls, Greek boys
4 At military school Greek boys didn't often have to eat.
5 awaited Aztec children who broke the rules.
6 Ancient Aztecs thought education
7 Aztec boys and girls to the same school.
8 Calmecac schools were for children from​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DianaMajlath


Am rezolvat-o de vreo oră, dar nu ți-am mai găsit întrebarea.


sjxjf: multumesc din suflet!!
DianaMajlath: cu plăcere
denisamacovei010: nu e corect..
Corinasabel6: super mersi
StonkyStonks: Trebuiau sa fie completat intre 1 si 3 cuvinte...multumesc oricum,am corectat eu
boantadiana23: multumesc mult!
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