6. Translate the following sentences into English using wish + Subjundie
• I. As dori sá pot sã o ajut pe sora la. 2. As dori sã stiu unde locuieste. 3, As dori sà fiu milionar, 4. As dori sã nu se mai repele acest lucru. 5. As fi dorit sa flu anunfat de acest lucru in prealabil. 6. Profesorul ar fi dorit ca not sà nu fi facut atil de multe greseli in lucrare. 7. Mary ar dori sa fie la mare acum. 8. As dori sa fi avut bani sä cumpär labloul. 9. As fi dorit ca el sá nu ma vadá acolo. 10. As fi doril sã am asemenea prilejuri cind eram mai linar. 11. Cil de mull as dori sà fiu iar in vacanta. 12. In(eleg cá al dori sà il ajuli dar deocamdata nu poll. 13. Catherine ar dori sã fie sanâtoasà din nou. 14. Johnny ar fl dorit sa se lie aceste lucrurl atunch
15. As fi doril sà nu o fi intilnil niciodata pe aceastã bâtrinã. 16. As dori ca el sã nu ne li mintil.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
I. I would like to be able to help my sister at. 2. I would like to know where he lives. 3, I would like to be a millionaire, 4. I would like this not to happen again. 5. I would have liked to have been notified of this in advance. 6. The teacher wished that he had not made so many mistakes in the work. 7. Mary would like to go to the sea now. 8. I wish I had money to buy the lablou. 9. I would have liked him not to see me there. 10. I wish I had such opportunities when I was more relaxed. 11. Cil de mull I would like to be on vacation again. 12. I understand that she would like to help him but not yet. 13. Catherine would like to be healthy again. 14. Johnny would like to tie these things together then 15. I wish I had never met this old woman. 16. I would like him not to lie to us.