Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristian0717, 8 ani în urmă

6. Underline the correct variant. a. If I'm/I'll be late tonight, don't wait for me. b. If they get/they will get here in time, we will have a good time. c. They are/ They will be successful communicators if they follow the rules of communication. d. If you talk to your teacher, he tells/he will tell you what to do. e. If I won't see you/I don't see you tomorrow, I will phone you. f. If he speaks/he will speak to the point, he won't confuse people. g. Communication will not be successful if people won't be/aren't polite. h. If you don't say/won't say 'Hello, people will think you are impolite. sentences Hello!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de balandarius2010


a. If I'll be late

b. If they get

c. They will be

d. he will

e. If I don't see you

f. If he speaks

g. people aren't

h. don't say

cristian0717: Mulțumesc mult!
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