Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreyGMR5935, 8 ani în urmă

7 a) Read the rubric and find the key words. Your teacher has asked you to write a description of an interesting festival in your country that you attended. Write your composition (140-190 words).
b) Think of a festival and make notes under the headings. A Name - Date/place - Preparations - Events during the festival - Feelings/comments Use your notes and phrases from the Useful Language box to make sentences about the festival. -

8. Use your answers in Ex. 7b to write your composition. Follow the plan. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. ​.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de qalexstefan


7. a) In my country, there is a festival where we do lots of games and diffrent contests, like eating contests. There will be lots of games and everyone can participate if they want to. Last year I couldn't go because I was sick, but this time I won't be missing at it.

  b) Next week there's a seafood festival called "The delicious seafood". It takes place on 22 March at Central Park. There will be an eating contest, swim race for kids an adults and the price for a ticket is 5 pounds each. I can't wait to go there.

8. I dont know, need picture.


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