Engleza, întrebare adresată de morarumarius172, 8 ani în urmă

7 Complete the text with the correct form of the Present simple using the verbs in the box. not have have get up not catch play (x2) My friend Janine and I have got a lot of things in common, but not everything! I get up early and I * a big breakfast bacon and eggs on toast, getup like catch not play arrive and a cup of tea. She 2 breakfast at all! 1 * the bus to school on time every morning. She s the bus on time, so late. she always 6 Janine and 17 late and 3 music, rap, but we a instruments: she 9 and 110 the same the same the drums the xylophone.​
Dau coroana


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2gets up

3 doesn't have

4 catch

5 doesn't catch

6 arrives


8 don't play

9 plays

10 play

Răspuns de efektm


I get up early and I have a big breakfast: bacon and eggs on toast, and a cup of tea.

She gets up late and doesn't have breakfast at all!

I catch the bus to school on time every morning.

She doesn't catch  the bus on time, so she always arrives late.

Janine and I like the same music, rap, but we don't play the same instruments: she plays the drums and I play the xylophone.


​Mă trezesc devreme și am un mic dejun bogat: șuncă și ouă pe pâine prăjită și o ceașcă de ceai.

Ea se trezește târziu și nu ia deloc micul dejun!

Prind autobuzul spre școală la timp în fiecare dimineață.

Ea nu prinde autobuzul la timp, așa că întotdeauna întârzie.

Mie și lui Janine ne place aceeași muzică, rap, dar nu cântăm la aceleași instrumente: ea cântă la tobe și eu la xilofon.

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