Engleza, întrebare adresată de raffaelablageanu21, 8 ani în urmă

7 ** Complete with the past simple or the past continuous. Then underline the correct time expression. 1 Dad was sleeping (sleep) when/while I was doing (do) my homework. 2 My brother and (play) in the park as/when it (start) to rain. 3 While/When Mum (wash) the dishes, she (break) a glass. 4 As/When Kathy (go) to school she (meet) Sam.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de poldaniel2009

1. (scrie acolo)

2. My brother and i played in the park when it started to rain.

3. While Mum was washing the dished, she broke a glass.

4. When Kathy went to school, she met Sam.

raffaelablageanu21: mw
raffaelablageanu21: ms*
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