Limba română, întrebare adresată de alex200976, 8 ani în urmă

7 Put the words in order to make sentences.
your / Is / desk/a/in/ there / bedroom /?
Is there a desk in your bedroom?
1 house / there / near / Is / café / your /a/?
2 any computers / in / there / classroom /
your / Are/?
3 in /bedroom / Is / your/ there / a/TV/?
4 there / on / Are / your / any games/phone/?
5 in/there / any photos / your / Are / living
6 internet café / there / your/an/in/Is/town/?
7 school / Is / your /a/park/ near / there/?
8 pencil case / Are / any felt tips / in / your /
there /?
more that are true for you to the​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sdjksyfiuf


1. Is there a café near your house?

2. Are there any computers in your classroom?

3. Is there a TV in your bedroom?

4. Are there any games on your phone?

5.  Are there any photos in your living room?

6. Is there an internet café in your town?

7. Is there a park near your school?

8. Are there any felt tips in your pencil case?

Alte întrebări interesante