Engleza, întrebare adresată de temascoala123456788, 8 ani în urmă

Read the theory. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
form with or without to. Write in your notebook.
1. A: Did you enjoy the visit to the science museum?
B: Yes, I managed ... (take) some great pictures.
2. A: I'd love ... (go) to the new exhibition centre.
B: We can ... (go) together if you like.
3. A: Where is John?
B: In his office. He wants ... (send) some emails.
4. A: We hope ... (visit) the new science centre this morning.
B: Can I... (join) you?
5. A: Would you like ... (come) to the lecture?
B: Sorry, I must ... (pick) the kids up from school at 12:00.
6. A; I went ... (buy) the new PC action game for Tony,
B: I think Tony is too young ... (play) such games,

va rog dau coroana urgent ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de someone21


to take

to go


to send

to visit


to come


to buy

to play

temascoala123456788: mersi mult
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