Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrabuzan, 8 ani în urmă

9. Is yourydis
3. Choose the correct option. Write it on the blanks.
a. This puppy is the hungries of all!
1. hungry 2. hungrier 3. the hungriest
b. I earn
7. Jittle
money than my sister does.
3. the least
2. less
than mine.
c. Look at your fingers! They are
1. dirtyer 2. dirty 3. dirtier
d. How
1. farther 2. farthest
can you run?
3. far
e. This year Nick's tests results are
1. best 2. better 3. good
than his sister's
f. Could you tell me
1. much 2. more
about this English king?
3. many
than all
g. My cat lies on the bed all day long. It is much
my other cats
1. lazy 2. lazyer
3. lazier
h. Which is
1. hotter 2. the hottest
month in your country?
3. the hotest​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de urkiller28


b. less

c. dirtier

d. far

e. better

f. more

g. lazier

h. hottest

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


  1. the hungriest
  2. less
  3. dirtier
  4. far
  5. better
  6. more
  7. lazier
  8. the hottest
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