Engleza, întrebare adresată de madeeaioanaistratesc, 8 ani în urmă

A - Translate the following expressions into your own language.
Wake up:
Leave home
Talk on the phone
Get up :
Go to schools
Work on the computer
Get dressed/put the shoes on Arrive at school
Feed the cat/dog :
Go to the bathroom :
Start school :
Have a shower:
Finish school :
Brush my teeth:
Do the homework:
Do the housework :
Comb my hair
Come back home
Wolk the dog
Have breakfast :
Help my mother at home : Watch TV:
Make the bed :
Have lunch/dinner
Listen to music :
Download music and films
Play computer games
Surt the neto
Update my status on the facebook
Check my e-mail:
Get undressed
Say the prayers
Go to bed
Go to sleep/fall asleep
Va rog punctul A dau de toate


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de caca38
wake up: trezește-te
leave home: pleacă de acasa
Talk on the phone:vorbește la telefon
get up: trezește-te
Go to School:du-te la scoala
Work on the computer:lucrează pe calculator
Get dressed/put the shoes on Arrive at school: îmbracă-te,încalță-te,ajungi la scoala
Feed the cat/dog: hrănește pisica/cățelul
Go to the bathroom: du-te la baie
Start school: începi scoala
Have a shower:fa-ți un dus
Finish school:termini scoala
Brush my teeth:ma spăl pe dinti
Do my homework:îmi fac temele
Comb my hair:ma pieptăn
Come back home:ajung acasa
Walk the dog:plimb câinele
Have breakfast:iau micul dejun
Help my mother at home:o ajut pe mama mea acasa
Watch TV:ma uit la televizor
Make the bed:îmi fac patul
Have lunch/dinner:iau prânzul/cina
Listen to music:asculta muzica
Download music and films:dowlanodez filme și muzica
Play computer games:ma joc jocuri pe computer
Uptade my status on the facebook:îmi aptatez status-ul pe facebook
Check my e-mail:îmi verific e-mailul
Get unsressed:ma dezbrac
Say the prayers:îmi zic rugăciunile
Go to bed:ma culc
Go to sleep/fall asleep:adorm
Mult succes :)

madeeaioanaistratesc: Mulțumesc mult
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