Engleza, întrebare adresată de ana3002, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutați-mă vă rog cu acest exercițiu ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valentinveronicaalin


Trebuie tradus? HW Translate into English In fact, Vasia's thought was related only to a pleasant memory. At that time he was a child, in primary school, at home, in the village. A hard winter, as they all happened to be on the cursed land of Bessarabia. Big brother's first epileptic seizure. Suddenly, the bastard had fallen to the ground, his eyes over his head, his cheeks twisted and foaming at his mouth, then waxing numb. The mother, a woman with superstitions, like all the old women in the country, had run in terror to run to the priest, with the thought of ridding the boy of the unclean spirit. But the pope had just been absent from the village. The first doctor's fair was about ten miles away. The father had gone mad to borrow a horse, which he then harnessed to the sleigh. In order to escape from the house, where the women from the neighbors had gathered as if dead, Vasia had prayed to be taken as well. HANG UP

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I font you LOVE u my friend
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