Engleza, întrebare adresată de elenaeli3, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutați ma va rog❤️


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7

Salut și succes

Am traducerea textelor.

Text 1


The car had pearl-grey upholstery, it had blinds on windows. The Nawab was sprawled (they had a lot of space) It couldn't go through the desert. After a while the car couldn't go any further./dress stuck - the upholstery was leather.

Mașina avea tapițerie gris-perle, avea storuri la ferestre. Nawabul era tolănit.(aveau mult loc)  Dupa o vreme masina nu a mai putut continua. /rochia lipita - tapițeria e din piele.


The land was broiling, in the sun like glass/her dress stuck to the back of her legs with perspiration.

Pământul se cocea în soare, rochia i se lipise de spatele picioarelor de transpirație.


parched land/glittered like glass.

pământ crăpat /strălucea ca sticla


Her dress stuck, (hot, and uncomfortable) she was affraid it would be all wrinkled (unconfortable, worried)/she foud the sight awful.

rochia-i era lipită, îi era teamă că la coborâre va fi complet mototolită/apreciază peisajul ca = viziunea acelui arid necuprins


She got scratched by thorns/some insects were biting her/her hat had slipped to one side/she was very hot and near to tears.

se zgârie în ghimpi/ o ciupeau niște insecte /pălăria de paie îi alunecase într-o parte/ era foarte înfierbântată, gata să plângă.


he pulled down the blind on the window - to protect her from the shine and the heat. /sometimes he held some branches aside to make it easier for he to walk./ He led the way.


spotless in his white suit and white-and-tan shoes.

nepătat în costum alb și cu pantofi alb-cu-maro.

Text 2

1 I have not yet travelled on a bus in India that has not been packed to bursting point, people inside and luggage on top.

2  packed/so old that they shake up every bone in the human body/ open with only bars across them so that the hot winds blow in freely, bearing desert sand. It's open on the sides with only bars

3 ...the buses are always the same, so is the landscape through which they travel. Once a town is left behind, there is nothing till the next one except flat land, broiling sky, distances

4  broiling sky, hot winds blow

5 specially dust: the sides of the bus are open with only bars across them so that the hot winds blow in freely, bearing desert sand to choke up ears and nostrils and to set one's teeth on edge with grit.  

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