Engleza, întrebare adresată de jsvdiwo9, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutati-ma va rog sa traduc in l.engleza:
Rutina mea in fiecare dimineata e aceeasi. Ma trezesc la ora 06:3p verific emailurile si siturile de socializare, dupa imi prepar micul dejun, iar dupa ma pregatesc sa plec spre scoala. Pana la scoala iau troleibuzul cu care ajung in cel mult 3o minute. Dupa ce ajung la stația necesara merg spre scoala unde perechile incep la ora 8. Desigur in cele 2 perechi pe care le am acult profesorul cand ne preda tema noua. Orele se termina la ora 11:15 dupa care plec spre casa. Acasa mereu cand ajung iau pranzul dupa care fac temele pe a doua zi. Dupa ce termin temele privesc televizorul sau citesc careva informatii necesare, iar timpul care mi-a ramas vorbesc cu parintii.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de floreaclaudiu970

My routine every morning is the same. I wake up at 06: 3 check emails and social sites after I cook my breakfast, and then prepare to go to school. Until the school they take the trolleybus to reach within 30 minutes. Once I get to the station I'm going to the school where the pairs start at 8am. Of course in the two pairs we have the teacher to when we teach the new theme. The hours end at 11:15 and then go home. I always get home when I get lunch and do homework the next day. After completing the themes I watch the TV or read some necessary information, and the time that I have left talking to my parents.

Răspuns de monica1356
My morning routine is the same. I wake up at 6:30 am to check your emails and social sites after I cook my breakfast, and then prepare to go to school.Until the school they take the trolleybus to reach within 30 minutes.Once I get to the station I go to school where the pairs start at 8 o'clock. Of course in the two pairs that I listen to the teacher when they teach us the new theme.The hours end at 11:15 and then go home. At home when I get, I eat and do my homework the next day.After finishing the themes, I watch the TV or read some necessary information, and my remaining time talk to my parents.
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