Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 10 ani în urmă

Ajutati-ma va rog urgent la engleza am nevoie de un fel de compunere uitati ce trebuie sa contina Write at least paragraphs about an incident.Either imagine that you saw the incident Matthew talks about in Exercise 7, or write about something that happened to you si trebuie sa contina
Where you were and what you were doing at the time
how the incident happened
the result of the incident va rog mult ajutati-ma marchez si cel mai bun va rog din tot sufletul care stie sa dea o mica mana de ajutor

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vladandra
Un incident?  oook :D
I was at home . It was 3 a.m. . I woke up to drink water . I hear some weird sound s that really scared me ...That sound comed from outside. I was courious so I went to see who is making that sound...When I opened the door I saw a little ,white cat who was starving...I picked her and gived her some milk. The kitty was very gratefull , and in the morning I talked with my parents and I asked them if I can keep the kitty and they said "Yes" . I was really happy .
Vrei si traducerea?

vladandra: Eram acasa . Era 3 noaptea . Mam trezit ca sa beau apa . Am auzit niste sunete ciudate care m-au speriat . Sunetul venea de afara . Eram curios asa ca am fost afara ca sa vad cine facea acel sunet . Cand am deshis usa am vazut o pisicuta mica , alba care "murea de foame". Am luato in brate si i-am dat niste lapta . Pisicuta era recunoscatoare , iar dimineata i-am intrebat pe parintii mei daca o pot pastra iar ei au spus "da" . Am fost foarte fericita :D
vladandra: Sper ca te-am ajutat ^____^
vladandra: Cu placere :D O seara frumoasa ^_^
vladandra: Cand mai ai nevoie de ajutor la engleza intreaba-ma :D
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