Engleza, întrebare adresată de ajvgl50, 9 ani în urmă

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ajvgl50: Nu pot deoarece nu am fisa la mine iar acele este singurul exemplar

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7


1. It is a children's movie, a comedy.

It's an animated feature.

2. It is Steven Herek.

The director is Walt Disney.

3. In the cast are Jeff Daniel, Joelly Richardson, Glen Close.

In the cast are Rod Taylor, Kate Bauer, Betty Lou Jerson.

4. The story takes place in London.

5. The main characters are Roger, a song writer/video game designer, Anita, his wife, a designer, and Cruella de Vil, the evil high school mate of Anita's, - Pongo and Perdy, the Dalmatian dogs.

6. Cruela wants to steal the dogs and their puppies for their fur. She wants to make a coat from the fur of Dalmatians puppies

7. Cruela makes her two assistants, Jasper and Horace, to steal Pongo and Perdy's puppies.

8. They take them to an ancient country estate, The de Vil mansion.

9. Tom thinks 101 DALMATIANS is an amusing film for the whole family.


1 - g

cast = actors and actresses in a film

2 - e

take place = happen

3 - h

main character = most important person in a book, film, etc

4 - i

fashion designer = a person who designs clothes

5 - a

couple = husband and wife

6 - b

puppy = baby dog

7 - c

fur = an animal's coat

8 - j

order = command

9 - d

assistant = helper

10 - f

steal = take stuff that isn't yours


4 Match the adjectives in the list to their synonims.

1. - a great comedy

fantastic = great

2. a wicked fashion designer    

evil = wicked

3. - a friendly couple

kind = friendly

4. - lovable puppies

adorable = lovable

5. - an awful woman

horrible = awful

6. - a funny film

amusing = funny


5 Use the verbs in brackets to form adjectives as in the example.

1. entertaining = distractiv

2. interesting = interesant

3. boring = plictisitor

4. thrilling = palpitant, captivant, tulburător

5. disapointing = dezamăgitor

6. frightening = înspăimantator

7. amazing = extraordinar

8. touching = mișcător


6 Use the adjectives from Ex.5 to write sentences about  

1 I thought that The Flintstones was a very entertaining film.

2 My favorite film of all times is ♖XX. It is a very interesting movie.

3 I liked The Three Musketeers, although historical, it wasn't boring at all.

4 One of the most thrilling films I have ever seen was King Kong.

5 It is disapointing when the movie has a bed ending, like in King Kong.

6 Do you remember that frightening part from Star Wars when Luke Skywalker fought with Darth Vader?

7 Wasn't Jurassic Park amazing?

8 Les Mizerables tells the touching story of Cosette.

Nu am stiut ce spune Tom despre film.

La ♖XX scrii filmul care ti-a placut cel mai mult.

Atentie, neavand manualul, am pus cele doua filme, desenul animat de Disney, si filmul. Filmul recent este cu bold.

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