Engleza, întrebare adresată de Carmen5669, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutați va rog frumos din tot sufletul


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Crabbed


1.Does my father read very much?

My father doesn't read very much.

2.Is that an interesting book?

That isn't an interesting book.

3.Does she has a nice bungalow?

She does not have a nice bungalow

Carmen5669: DA propozitiile
Crabbed: 4.Is there much better butter in the fridge? There's not much butter in the fridge
Crabbed: 5. Do they like to sit in front lf the fire? They don't like to sit in front of the fire
Crabbed: 6. Are you on duty today? You ain't on duty today
Crabbed: 7. Do we have a new dishwasher? We don't have a new dishwasher
Carmen5669: Multumesc mult că mai ajutat
Crabbed: Fără probleme;
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