Engleza, întrebare adresată de marius13, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutatima va rog sa comentez fraza : Beauty isn't about a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind,a pretty heart and most importantly
a beautiful soul. dau coronita

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Răspuns de ivena
really, doesn't matter that you are  beautiful  on the  outside if you have a heart  of stone  and a mind  empty

marius13: am nevoie de ceva mai mult minim 70 de cuv
ivena: matter to have a big heart, loving and an open mind to learn as much and be as  smart  as possible. this is really true definition of beauty.
ivena: uneste cu cealalalta parte si iti ies cam 47 da cuvinte
marius13: mersi
marius13: Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul. Really, doesn't matter that you are beautiful on the outside if you have a heart of stone and a mind empty. Matter to have a big heart, loving and an open mind to learn as much and be as smart as possible. Without inner beauty we could never demonstrate it on the outer. This is really true definition of beauty.
Răspuns de anda30
sometimes life isn't about good looking, shape, color or other, It's about having a beautiful soul and a kind heart.
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