Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisafilip82, 8 ani în urmă

ajuți-ma va rog sau coroana multumesc va rog repede ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de projustapro

This is my friend Julie.

Who is that?

This book is really good.

That's my brother, over there.

What are these?

Those strawberries are delicious.

This party is really fun.

The show we saw last week was so depressing!

This is .....

Im really enjoying this.

That painting was really beautiful

That's a great idea!

David, this is Lukas

Scuze daca am gresit! Nu am inteles prea bine cerinta. Sper sa fie bine!

denisafilip82: multumesc poti sa ma mai ajuți?
denisafilip82: te rog
projustapro: Da!
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