Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

ajutoorrr dau coroanaaa ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dinosour
A) go; are going
B) A. Why are you buying…
B. Because we are having…
C) lives; likes
D) are you watching…
E) A. How often are you going…
F) do you usually read
G) A. The telephone is ringing
B. She is playing…
Răspuns de victorup2009


a. We usually go to spain on holiday,but this year we are going to Florida.

b. A:Why are you buying so much food?

B:Because we have a party tonight

c. My dad lives in a house near the sea because he likes sailing.

d. Are you watching television Can I turn it off?

e. A:How often do you go swimming?

B:About once a week.

f. What newspaper do you usually read ?

g. A:The telephone is ringing!!

B:OK,I'll answer it.Hello?No,Sally isn't here at the moment.She is playing tennis.Can I take the message?.OK.Bye!

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