Engleza, întrebare adresată de laviniamariatoi, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor dau coroană și puncte promitttttttt repedeeee uitațiva mă abonez promitttttttt repedeeee uitațiva sa fie răspunsuri corecte ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de charcoal
8 CDs
You: Are there eight CDs in the room?
Your friend: No, there aren’t. There are seven CDs in the room.

4 cats
You: Are there four cats in the room?
Your friend: No, there aren’t. There is one cat in the room.

5 dogs
You: Are there five dogs in the room?
Your friend: No, there aren’t. There is one dog in the room.

A window
You: Is there a window in the room?
Your friend: No, there isn’t. There are two windows.

2 carpets
You: Are there two carpets in the room?
Your friend: No, there aren’t. There is one carpet.

3 wardrobes
You: Are there three wardrobes in the room?
Your friend: No, there aren’t. There is one wardrobe.

A cap
You: Is there a cap in the room?
Your friend: Yes, there is a cap in the room.

2 desks
You: Are there two desks in the room?
Your friend: No, there is one desk in the room.

laviniamariatoi: ms
laviniamariatoi: e corect?
laviniamariatoi: mie mi se pare că nu
charcoal: Mie mi se pare ca este
laviniamariatoi: aaa ok
laviniamariatoi: că nu vreau greșite
laviniamariatoi: sa vad luni dacă e corect îți dau puncte ok daca nu este corect nu teile mai dau și nu mai zic ok
charcoal: Uh ok
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