Engleza, întrebare adresată de idk54, 8 ani în urmă



Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Estela00

1. So, is your cousin arriving this Saturday?

2. That's right. We're meeting him at the airport at 10 o'clock. Then we're taking a drive around town so that he can see the sights.

3. Is he staying at your place?

4. Yes, he is. So in the afternoon, I am introducing him to my friends and then we are playing volleyball togheter.

5. That's a good idea. And what are you doing in the evening?

6. We are having a dinner party with the whole family. On Sunday morning, we are taking him to the Aquarium. After that, we are having lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. After that, he is coming to Mike's house with me to play videogames.

7. That sounds good. Is he leaving on Sunday night?

8. No, he isn't leaving until next week. In fact, we are having dinner at the local pub and then we are going to the cinema in the evening. Do you want to come with us?

9. I can't. I'm studying with Fiona. We have a test on Monday. And are you visiting them in Holland next year?

10. Yes. It's all arranged! I'm spending next summer at their house in Amsterdam!

idk54: Mulțumesc foarte mult, ești prima care îmi răspunde am stat 3 ore și nimeni nu a răspuns,Mulțumesc mult
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