Engleza, întrebare adresată de xoka, 8 ani în urmă


Read the text. Some lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If
line is correct, put a tick (V) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not
be there, write it in the space provided.

A Trip to the Funfair

0 We have had been planning for a long time to go to
00 the funfair for my brother's birthday, so on the big
day we all piled up into the car and set off. The traffic
was so much bad that day that it took us nearly two hours
3 to get there. Then we discovered that half the people
in town had been had the same idea. The place was so packed
that you could no hardly move. My brother wanted to go
6 on the roller coaster, so we joined the queue - which it seemed
7 to be about a mile long - and waited for our turn.
8 By far the time we got to the front of the queue, my sister
9 was complaining that she was so afraid to go on the ride,
10 and even my brother looked a bit apprehensive. Just then
11 a man announced that there was a technical problem
12 and the ride was made closed. With a sigh of relief
13 we went to get something to eat, had a go on
14 the bumper cars, played a few of games - my brother
15 won a huge teddy bear - and then we went to home.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Îţi voi rescrie textul corect, iar la final îţi voi preciza ce modificări am adus. Mai uşor de urmărit ar fi fost dacă ataşai exact imaginea cu acest exerciţiu, pentru a putea bifa rândul corect.


A Trip to the Funfair

We had been planning for a long time to go to the funfair for my brother's birthday, so on the big day we all piled up into the car and set off. The traffic was so bad that day that it took us nearly two hours to get there. Then we discovered that half the people in town had had the same idea. The place was so packed that you could hardly move. My brother wanted to go on the roller coaster, so we joined the queue - which seemed to be about a mile long - and waited for our turn. By the time we got to the front of the queue, my sister was complaining that she was afraid to go on the ride, and even my brother looked a bit apprehensive. Just then a man announced that there was a technical problem and the ride was closed. With a sigh of relief we went to get something to eat, had a go on the bumper cars, played a few games - my brother won a huge teddy bear - and then we went home.


We have had been planning (am eliminat "have")

The traffic was so much bad (am eliminat "much")

Then we discovered that half the people in town had been had (am eliminat "been")

you could no hardly move (am eliminat "no")

which it seemed to be (am eliminat "it")

By far the time (am eliminat "far")

that she was so afraid to go on the ride (am eliminat "so")

the ride was made closed (am eliminat "made")

played a few of games (am eliminat "of")

and then we went to home (am eliminat "to")

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