Engleza, întrebare adresată de tarcangeta88, 7 ani în urmă

Alcătuiește o propoziție cu cuvintele whose who what How where which whats dau coroana repede​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de voineageorge79

Nu știu dacă trebuie intrebari dar îți scriu abmele


Whose bike is this?

Who is her friend?

What did she eat at noon?

How old is he?

Where is this restraunt located?

Which does he like more?

What's his name?


She wants to know whose bike this is.

They found out who is his friend.

He forgot what he ate at noon.

She figured out how old he is.

We want to know where this restraunt is located.

He asked her wich one does she like more.

They wanted to know what's his name.

Spor la teme!


tarcangeta88: ms
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