Engleza, întrebare adresată de ariianabalan, 9 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Andrei0212
1. I like to travel everywhere in the world.( imi place sa calatoresc peste tot in lume)
2. When i was at school, i lost my pen and i tried to find it but i can't.( cand am fost la scoala, mi-am pierdut pixul si am incercat sa il gasesc dar nu am putut)
3. I was there when the star took the interview( am fost acolo cand celebritatea a luat interviul)
4. My life isn't so healthy because i always eat fast food and no fruits or vegetables.( viata mea nu este asa de sanatoasa deoarece intotdeauna mananc fast food si niciun fruct sau leguma)
5. I like to go at karaoke, but not always i sing good.( imi place sa ma duc la karaoke, dar nu intotdeauna cant bine)
6. When i go fishing, i wake up at 6 am to be there early.(cand ma duc la pescuit ma trezesc la 6 dimineata ca sa fiu acolo devreme)
7. I like your shoes.( imi plac pantofii tai)
8. This sunglases are very expensive.( ochelarii astia sunt foarte scumpi)
9. I need to wash my hair because it smells bad.( trebuie sa ma spal pe cap pentru ca miroase urat)
10. Don't be so angry for something that doesn't matter.( nu fi asa suparat pentru ceva ce nu conteaza)
11. If you where my mom, i would kill you.( daca erai mama mea, te omoram)
12. You know that we're friends, so let's bury the hatchet( sti ca suntem prieteni asa ca hai sa ingropam securea)
13. If your house were bigger, i would stay with you.( daca casa ta era mai mare, as sta la tine)
14. Never wear a jacket when you wear shorts.( niciodata sa nu porti o jacheta cand porti pantaloni scurti)
15. Do not go there if you don't have an authorisation!(nu te duce acolo daca nu ai autorizatie!)
16. I got the car that i always wanted!(am masina pe care mi-am dorit-o mereu)
17. Why you keep saying that you are not a policeman(de ce spui intr-una ca nu esti politist)
18. If you have talent at something, don't waste it(daca ai talent la ceva, nu il irosi)
19. In a few minutes it will rain(in cateva minute va ploua)
20. I am finally done with the exercices(in sfarsit am terminat exercitiul)
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